Donald Trump is a cesspool of corruption and cruelty, and how low can he go can never be answered. Might as well try to calculate how low a steaming pile of dung will fall when it’s flushed down a black hole.
What explains the inhumanity and depravity of Trump? Simple. He’s a sociopath. Period. End of Story.
Sociopaths lack human empathy and a capacity or desire for the norms of healthy human social relationships. Social niceties and laws are for suckers and a sociopath doesn’t blink at breaking any laws to achieve his personal goals.
Sociopaths are reprehensible monsters but they are able to blend in our social circles without being recognized. They blend in by mimicking human behavior, for example it’s impossible for them to empathize with a coworker, friend of even a family member who suffers a great tragedy, but they fake concern by visiting a friend at the hospital or hugging a coworker who’s just been fired.
Trump doesn’t mimic normal human behavior; he mimics the abnormal behavior of sexual deviants and heartless dictators. That’s why the majority of Americans instinctively and immediately recognize him as depraved megalomaniac.
It’s only white evangelicals who think Trump has been anointed by God to Make America Great Again. They treat him as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and they look askance at anyone who doesn’t praise their false Messiah.
The embrace of the amoral buffoon by evangelicals speaks volumes of how far they have strayed from the teachings of Jesus Christ. Trump and his evangelical followers are an existential threat to our democracy and we must rid our nation of Trump and evangelical Trumpism.