Under its new chief executive, Chris Licht, CNN is dumping some of their more left-leaning anchors and steering the cable news giant to a more moderate position.
Under the stewardship of the former CNN president, Jeff Zucker, CNN didn’t air any of the fascist Trump MAGA rallies in the last four years.
In a desperate attempt to appeal to a more conservative demographic Licht aired a Trump MAGA rally disguised as a town hall.
CNN chose an audience of Republican and Republican leaning voters for their town hall that they knew would cheer for his lies, laugh at his conviction for sexual assault and revel in his antics.
The all-white audience at the CNN town hall resembled a crowded Cracker Barrel on a Sunday morning after church, a white nationalist convention or a MAGA rally.
Not a single person of color was allowed to question Trump, and the moderator, Kaitlan Collins, was ill-equipped to deal with Trump’s bullying tactics. Why didn’t CNN choose a more seasoned anchor for such an important event?
As I witnessed the cultists clap, cheer and chuckle at the racist and ignorant rhetoric emanating from the sphincter-shaped mouth of Trump, I marveled that this shit show was being televised on CNN and not Fox News or Newsmax.
CNN probably got monster ratings for the sickening spectacle, but they have lost their soul.