In days gone by young women lived in fear that they would die a spinster or old maid. Their version of happiness and fulfillment was spawning a brood of bouncing baby boys and adorable baby girls.
In the age of climate change, overpopulation, and not to mention feminism, women don`t judge their self-worth by how many children they have. Children are viewed as an infection, rather than as a blessing from God, by a growing number of enlightened individuals.
Today women fear that they will become cat ladies, “OMG I`m going to be a cat lady” a woman wails when she`s 30-something and still single. Cat ladies – who are just single older ladies with felines — represent abject failure in the eyes of young women.
But cat ladies shouldn`t be looked down upon with disdain or sympathy, they deserve our respect for realizing that a small fluffy kitten will give them more comfort, companionship and fulfillment than any man or woman ever could.
They also deserve our gratitude for not giving birth to greedy insatiable little monsters who pollute the Earth and kill off thousands of other species of living creatures.
Indeed I would urge all women and men to save the Earth, and forgo having any children, and adopt a kitten or a puppy from an animal shelter instead.
God save cat ladies, they are the hope of humankind!