Jimmy Carter Says He’s Holding on to Vote for Kamala Harris

“Former President Jimmy Carter told family that as he approaches his milestone 100th birthday this fall that he’s holding on to vote in the presidential election.

‘I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris,’ Carter told his son Chip this week, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Carter, who turns 100 on Oct. 1, has been receiving hospice care for over a year.”

USA Today

Jimmy Carter is a former president, a Nobel peace Prize laureate, a humanitarian, and a Habitat for Humanity volunteer who helped build thousands of homes.

He is also an evangelical Christian, but don’t hold that again him, he is nothing like the Christian nationalist evangelicals who support Donald Trump.

The humble man from Plains, Georgia is a devout Baptist who has been teaching Sunday School most of his adult life, and he is the only American president who taught Sunday School while in office.

Carter is a strong believer in the separation of church and state. As president, he refused to hold prayer breakfasts in the White House. He rolled up his sleeves to build homes for the homeless, but he did not wear religion on his sleeves.

Most historians consider Carter a mediocre president, but his post presidency has been extraordinary. He established the Carter Center to wage peace, fight disease, and to monitor elections all over the world to safeguard democracy.

Carter’s list of accomplishments is long and illustrious, but he’s holding on to vote for Kamala Harris.

If a 99-year-old man in hospice is planning on voting for Kamala Harris, you have no excuses for not defending democracy by voting for Harris this November.