Donald Trump is a Liar

Donald Trump is a liar. It’s impossible to draw a cup of fresh water from a cesspool and it’s impossible to find a semblance of truth and integrity in an administration whose president has lied about 20,000 times in four short years.

Some of those 20,000 lies have been whoppers, for example, claiming that the Mueller Report totally exonerated him and that the Obama administration spied on his 2016 presidential campaign.

Some have been patently ridiculous falsehoods like how noise from windmills causes cancer and how ingesting bleach cures COVID-19.

These fibs big and small have been a relentless assault on civility, common sense, bipartisanship and science and they have done irreparable harm to our democracy.

You’d think that such a transparent and pathological liar would be ridden out of town on a rail, but even though Joe Biden won a popular vote and electoral college landslide, Trump still managed to convince 74 million people to vote to reelect him.

And the master dissembler has convinced about 80 percent of Republicans that the election was rigged, even though he hasn’t provided a scintilla of evidence to support his outrageous allegations of massive voter fraud. A new survey from Bright Line Watch shows that almost half of Republicans believe Trump will be inaugurated in January.

How can we explain the naivete and gullibility of Trump supporters?

Trump sycophants believe that anything that emanates from the sphincter-shaped mouth of their false messiah is the Gospel truth. Trump’s misrepresentations, no matter how ridiculous, are presented as the truth on Fox News, right-wing radio and conspiracy web sites.

Keep in mind that objective news outlets like CNN, MSNBC, the broadcast channels evening news programs, the New York Times, and almost every other news organization that isn’t endorsed by Trump is considered anathema by his supporters. Trump’s followers are seldom exposed to objective reality, instead they immerse themselves in conspiracy theories, alt-right memes and right-wing commentary.

There is no distortion, disinformation, deception or dishonest statement Trump can utter that his cult-like followers won’t believe. If Trump proclaimed that Ivanka was a virgin prophesied by the Bible to become president of the United States, his followers would bow down before her and worship her as the Second Coming of the Virgin Mary. Fox News would state that she is a virgin, her children were adopted and that she has the gravitas to be president. Newsmax would proclaim that Ivanka’s children were born by immaculate conception, that Sleepy Joe tried to rape her to derail her divine destiny, and that she is the most qualified person for the presidency since Abraham Lincoln.