Brooke Baldwin Loses It When Guest Says “Nigger”


“Memo to CNN Newsroom guests: Check your racial epithets at the door.

“CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin savaged a guest on CNN Newsroom Tuesday, after the guest hurled the N-word on the show.

Baldwin took author Charles Kaiser to task for using the slur while he was condemning President-elect Donald Trump`s choice for chief White House strategist, Steve Bannon.

`Charles … just hang on a second,` Baldwin said. `Please don`t use the N-word on my show.`

`The more I`ve sat here and listened to the fact that somebody used the N-word on this show ” it is not OK. It is not OK, Charles Kaiser,` she continued.

`I never use the N-word except when I`m quoting someone who`s been appointed by the President to serve in the Oval Office,` Kaiser protested, to no avail.”


Memo to CNN anchors: Check your political correctness at the door.

Memo to the writer of this article, Tim Kenneally: Charles Kaiser didn`t hurl any word, and certainly not the N-Word, on Baldwin`s show.  Kaiser condemned Steve Bannon for his alleged use of the word “nigger.”

It is the responsibility, indeed the duty, of a journalist to accurately describe a newsworthy event. If a reporter attends a Klan rally, and the racists are shouting “Kill Niggers”, he is being remiss in his duties if he doesn`t write that the Klan members were screaming: Kill Niggers. If the reporter writes that they were shouting the N-Word, that fails to covey to his readers the racial hatred that permeated the meeting.

Baldwin`s histrionics and faux outrage at a guest for having the temerity to use the word “nigger” are emblematic of the political-correctness that prevents CNN for delivering the news in an unbiased manner.

When a commentator or a correspondent uses the word “nigger” in the context of precisely reporting the news only a jackass would think that he is endorsing the use of the vile racial epithet.

Baldwin should focus her outrage at the white supremacists who don`t hesitate to hurl the word “nigger”, and not at a guest who used the word in the context of quoting a newsmaker.

Editorial note: There is no proof whatsoever that Steve Bannon has ever used the ugliest word in the English language.
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