JD Vance’s Eyeliner-Enhanced Side Eye Stole the Spotlight at Vice-Presidential Debate

In the Vice-Presidential debate, the young, handsome and glib JD Vance faced off against the elderly, homely and homespun speaker Tim Walz.

The debate was surprisingly civil, polite and devoid of any theatrics, histrionics and rehearsed zingers.

Vance, the Yale Law School graduate who answers questions from the press at every campaign event, had the edge given his experience interacting with the press and his innate ability to lie effortlessly.

The focus of the debate wasn’t policy arguments, gaffes or the role of the moderators, JD Vance’s wicked eyeliner stole the spotlight.

Allow me to digress by pointing out that I don’t think it’s wrong for a politician, or any gentleman, to wear eyeliner, a wig or even a dress. However, it’s very hypocritical for a campaign that demonizes the LGBT community and vilifies drag queens to choose a male vice-presidential candidate with a penchant for allegedly using eyeliner and a history of dressing in drag in college.

Walz was nervous and tentative at first, but his confidence and debating skills improved and all things considered he did yeoman’s work.

In my humble opinion Walz narrowly edged Vance, I give him the win because he survived Vance’s withering eyeliner-enhanced side eye that he employed throughout the debate.

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