About Me

Hi! I’m Robert Paul Reyes Thanks for stopping by.

I was born and raised in San Francisco, California, and in 2000 at the age of 41 I moved to Lynchburg, VA. I have been posting articles online since 1988, and I write a political column for the Lynchburg Ledger, a print publication.

I have eclectic and contrarian political views, and I’m sure my essays will offend people of all political persuasions, but I hope you will at least find my opinions entertaining and educational

I thrive on feedback, let me know what you think about my humble little blog on the Internet.

Robert Paul Reyes has been quoted by the New York Times (twice), the Associated Press and other newspapers.


Robert Paul Reyes has been quoted, mentioned or referenced in the following books:

Aharone, Ezrah: Sovereign Evolution, Manifest Destiny from “Civil Rights to “Sovereign Rights”

Clayton, Dewey M: The Presidential Campaign of Barack Obama

Corsey, Jerome R: Where’s the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama is Not Eligible to be President

Crisp, Richard J: The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity

Dawson, Jim: Did Somebody Step On a Duck?

Garrison, Marsha: Marriage at the Crossroads

Gilgun, Jane: On Being a Shit

Harris, Richard L: Che Guevara, A Biography

Hombach, Jean-Pierre: Lady Gaga Superstar

Huggan, Graham: Nature’s Saviours

Jethani, Skye: With, Reimagining the Way You Relate to God

Kelley, Kitty: Oprah, a Biography

Ladron, Marisol Morales: Glocal Ireland

Long, Thomas G: What Shall We Say? Evil, Suffering, and the Crisis of Faith

Majfud,Jorge: Existencia Virtual

Mao, LuMing: Representations, Doing Asian American Rhetoric

Morris, Dick: Revolt! How to Defeat Obama and Repeal His Socialist Programs

Slatton, Brittany C: Mythologizing Black Women

Swain, Carol M: Be the People, A Call to Reclaim America’s Faith and Promise

Stacey, Judith: Unhitched, Love, Marriage, and Family Values From West Hollywood to Western China