Would You Rent a Drug Sniffing Dog to Raid Your Kid’s Bedroom?

“Would you rent a drug dog to raid your kid`s bedroom? It`s an option now available to Kansas City-area parents, and it`s one some people are choosing to find out if their children are using drugs.

Ray McCarty, founder of Metro K-9 Services, told WRDO that his service is the only of its kind that he`s aware of in the area, allowing users to rent a drug dog by the hour.

McCarty said most parents order their sweep when their kids aren`t home. Some parents merely flush the drugs and never say anything. And McCarty never calls the police.

`It makes them feel better. We aren`t going to say anything because it`s none of our business. We are just there to do a job. We do it, and we leave,` he said.”


The War on Drugs has officially gone to the dogs …

A parent who rents a drug dog to raid his kid`s bedroom has bigger problems than his child possibly using drugs. A parent shouldn`t need a canine to tell him if his kids are on drugs, if an adult has a good relationship with his children he should be able to tell if they are on drugs by changes in their mood, disposition and personality.

For God`s sake don`t turn man`s best friend into a lowlife narc! Talk to your children, spend time with them, love them for God`s sake, and you will be able to tell they`re abusing drugs.

Instead of spending $200 an hour on a drug sniffing dog, spend that money on a trip to an amusement park vacation with your children.

Renting a drug pooch to raid your kid`s bedroom is just a doggone bad idea, period!

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