White House Staff Should Resign En Masse in Protest of Donald Trump’s Racism

President Donald Trump`s press conference at Trump Tower in New York City on Tuesday afternoon quickly went off the rails after reporters questioned his response to the violence at the `Unite the Right` white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday, which left one counterprotester dead and many others injured.

Trump doubled down on his assertion that the violence was caused by `bad actors` on both sides. He equated what he called `the alt-left”`with the `alt-right` at the rally and said that not all those participating were neo-Nazis or white supremacists.

Trump`s new chief of staff, John Kelly, who was brought in to help discipline the White House, looked especially displeased with how the press conference panned out.”


A press conference in which President Donald Trump was supposed to talk about his executive order on infrastructure quickly went off the rails when Trump took back his delayed denunciation of white nationalists and neo-Nazi groups and embraced them with open arms.

Trump wasn`t even scheduled to field any questions, he was supposed to deliver his remarks on infrastructure and then depart, leaving his staff who were standing behind him to answer any questions.

But when a reporter shouted a question about Charlottesville it ignited Trump`s impromptu 15 minute justification of White Nationalism. Trump didn`t use dog whistles to subtly indicate his support of racists, he used the megaphone of his bully pulpit to clearly show that he supports the alt-right movement.

Trump`s new chief of staff John Kelly was one of the White House personnel who were standing behind Trump, by their presence they were endorsing his blatant racism.

It was clear that Kelly was mortified by Trump`s remarks, it`s incumbent upon him to resign to register his disapproval and disgust at his boss`s racism.

I have no respect for Kelly or any other administration official who doesn`t resign in protest, if they remain on Trump`s staff they are complicit in his racism and bigotry.

This shouldn`t be a partisan issue, this is bigger than political parties, it`s about the soul of our nation. Republicans must publicly break with the president, and put our democracy above their careers and party.

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