BlessU-2 Robot Priest is Superior to Pedophile Priests

“BlessU-2, which delivers blessings in five languages, is intended to trigger debate about the future of the church.

A robot priest that delivers blessings in five languages and beams light from its hands has been unveiled as part of an exhibition to mark the anniversary of the start of the Reformation, a Europe-wide religious, political and cultural upheaval sparked when Luther nailed his 95 theses to a church door in the town.

Half a millennium later, the robot, called BlessU-2, is intended to trigger debate about the future of the church and the potential of artificial intelligence.”

The Guardian

The robot padre is an answer to the two major problems facing the Roman Catholic Church: A critical shortage of clergy and pedophile priests.

BlessU-2 may beam light from its hands, but it isn`t going to use its mechanical hands to fondle little boys. Celibate robots are the answer to celibate priests with a prediction for molesting and raping young boys.

The Roman Catholic Church should replace all of their priests with mechanical ones, the critical shortage of clergy would immediately be solved, and the church wouldn`t have to spend millions in training ministers. If all of the robot priests are given male names, the church might see robot preachers as a divine answer.

The robot priests are limited in what they can do, they can recite blessings in five language and they can make their hands glow, that`s it. But come to think of it that`s all they really need to do, 99% of the duties the men of the cloth perform are religious tomfoolery. I`d be perfectly happy if my parish father was limited to reciting blessings.

I`m down with the robotic program, to hell with the flesh and blood pedophile priests, bring on the robot priests. Hallelujah! To hell with the “men of God”! Praise Jesus for the robots of God!

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