Demon Possessed Malia Obama Rocks Out at Lollapalooza: Video

Last year Malia Obama skipped the Democratic National Convention in order to twerk like a stripper on crack at the Lollapalooza concert in her hometown of Chicago. Since that outrageous spectacle Malia took a year off instead of attending Harvard, and it`s save to conclude that she didn`t spend her time off meditating, seeking spiritual enlightenment or serving the poor.

Article I wrote last year:

Malia Obama Disrespects Her Father and Shames America by Twerking Like a Stripper

Malia Obama attended Lollapalooza again this year, and her histrionics at the music festival made her theatrics last year seem like she was attending a concert by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Homegirl was rolling around in the mud, and pounding the ground with her fists. Malia was either under the influence of drugs, demon possessed, or engaged in performance art declaring her wanton nature.

I`m not a psychologist, theologian or drug addiction counselor, in my layman`s perspective she`s just a drunken degenerate flying her freak flag high.

Barack Obama is no longer president, so as far as I`m concerned Malia can act the whore all day and all night long. My only complaint is why is the Secret Service still protecting this woman who is an embarrassment to our democracy?