Trumpism Won’t be Defeated Until White Evangelicals are Discredited

Donald Trump received more than 80 percent support from evangelicals in 2016. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign may have been a publicity and narcissistic enterprise, but white evangelicals considered it a moral crusade to Make America Great Again by turning back the clock on women’s reproductive freedom, gay rights and racial equality.

White evangelicals are very pleased with the two far-right Supreme Court judges that were appointed by Trump, and not to mention the close to two  hundred judges he has appointed to federal appeals courts. They are ecstatic over the setbacks that Trump had dealt to the LGBTQ communities. They have ramped up their efforts to reelect their False Messiah, the moral reprobate is the perfect presidential candidate for evangelicals who are committed to their so-called family friendly causes.

The usual evangelical suspects have earmarked hundreds of millions in their crusade to reelect Trump. Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition is spending tens of millions on a voter mobilization effort that aims to register 1 million Christians in key battleground states. The Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion rights group, has a budget of $41 million this campaign cycle to reelect Trump and other anti-abortion candidates. The Family Research Council is also putting their money where their mouth is and pouring millions into the ungodly mission to reelect the short-fingered vulgarian.

It is manifestly clear that Trump could not have won without the support of white evangelicals, and it’s incumbent upon Democrats, Independents and Republicans who haven’t swallowed the Kool-Aide to redouble their efforts to defeat Trump and destroy the white evangelical movement.

Patriots can take these steps to delegitimize, demoralize and defeat white evangelicals:


There are no sacred cows, and where is it written that religion should be exempt from ridicule? Sanctimonious evangelicals with their penchant for hypocrisy, racism, and misogyny make such easy targets.


Why in the holy name of God aren’t there any protests at megachurches? White evangelicals support the chaos of the Trump administration, so why not bring some chaos to their churches?

Tax-exempt status

If white evangelical churches are acting like political organizations why not yank their tax-exempt status? I think it’s an abomination that my tax money is being used to support churches that support homophobia, misogyny and xenophobia.

Join me in my mission from God to impeach Trump and to put the fear of God in white evangelicals!

Donald Trump, Israel and White Evangelicals

The modern day state of Israel resembles apartheid era South Africa more than it does the Biblical state of Israel. It’s an article of faith for white evangelicals to support Israel religiously even though the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is politically corrupt and morally degenerate. He treats the peace process with disdain, and the Palestinians in the occupied territories with contempt.

White evangelicals are an integral part of Trump’s base, and he knows just how to play them. He pandered to these religious extremists by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol, and relocating the United States embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The cherry on top of the cake was when he recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Netanyahu knows just how to play Trump, in gratitude to Trump for blessing Israel with all of these diplomatic gifts without having to make any concession to the Palestinians in return he named a settlement in the Golan Heights after him.

At a ceremony to inaugurate the new settlement, Netanyahu stood in front of a gold-trimmed sign that reads “Ramat Trump”, and said:

“We are proud to have the opportunity to establish a new community, and also to honor a big friend…Many years have passed since a new settlement was established in the Golan Heights. Today it is happening: We are making an important step toward the rise of Ramat Trump. It will proudly carry the name of a very great friend of the State of Israel, and I am also very proud to say a great friend of mine—President Donald Trump.”

The only part of the proposed settlement that has been built is the gold-trimmed sign, but that’s enough to stroke Trump’s ego. Trump must realize that in his own country very few public buildings, if any at all, will be named after him when he leaves office, so I’m sure he appreciates Netanyahu’s generous gesture.

Israel will never achieve the grandeur of its Biblical era until it has a Prime Minister who resembles King Solomon more than P. W. Botha, and America won’t be great again until it has a president who resembles Abraham Lincoln more than Richard Nixon.

Donald Trump Treats Michael Mulvaney Like an Impertinent Coffee Boy

Donald Trump is the worst boss in the realm of politics, in comparison Amy Klobuchar is as understanding and patient with her office staff as Sherriff Andy Taylor is with his bungling deputy, Barney Fife.

The stable genius expects devotion and loyalty from his staff, and in return he treats even high ranking officials like coffee boys who should be grateful to be in his presence.

The short-gingered vulgarian brusquely ordered White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to leave the Oval Office when he had the temerity to cough during a televised interview with ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos.

“If you’re going to cough, please leave the room,” Trump blurted as he attempted to answer a question about House Democrats’ attempts to subpoena his tax records. The interview, taped last week in part in the Oval Office, was broadcast on Sunday night.

Trump was so upset by what he perceived as an unforgiveable act of disrespect that he continued to express his displeasure to Stephanopoulos.

“I don’t like that, you know, I don’t like that. If you’re going to cough, please leave the room. You just can’t, you just can’t cough. Boy, oh boy.”

God only knows what would have happened to the hapless Chief of Staff had he passed gas in the presence of his master! I’m guessing he would have ordered Mike Pence to remove his belt, take off Mulvany’s pants and give him the whipping of his life.

Even though interviewing Trump would be the highlight of my life as a blogger, I think I’d rather eat a salad with Klobuchar using combs instead of forks than ask Trump anything.

June 2019 Archives Page Two:

Donald Trump’s Disastrous Interview with George Stephanopoulos

Donald Trump’s interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos was an unmitigated disaster, it exposed the president as unprepared and unpresidential. It’s no wonder that Trump rarely grants an interview with a real journalist, and he prefers to chat with the friendly news personalities of Fox News.

In the most shocking segment of the interview Trump told Stephanopoulos that he’d accept dirt on his opponents offered by other governments and ridiculed the idea of telling the FBI about it. Trump’s answer proves that the only lesson he learned from the Mueller investigation is that he can get away with anything, and he considers himself above the law.

When the stable genius was pressed by Stephanopoulos on why he didn’t answer questions from Mueller about obstruction, the short-fingered vulgarian resorted to name-calling, calling the 5’5” journalist “a little wise guy.” Once again demonstrating that when the fuc*ing moron can’t compete on an intellectual level, he lasing out with juvenile insults.

In one part of the interview the 6’3” buffoon was sitting at the Oval Office while the petite Stephanopoulos was standing, negating Trump’s height advantage and making him appear small. Where the hell are Trump’s handlers, are they too afraid to give him advice?

Stephanopoulos clearly came ahead in the encounter, he refused to be intimidated by Trump’s bluster, and refused to accept his initial disclaimers.

Donald Trump Signed The D-Day Proclamation In The Wrong Place

stable Genius

“Of course, Trump was unlikely to let arguably the single most momentous and traumatic day of fighting of the 20th century upstage him. He was one of 15 world leaders to sign a special D-Day proclamation reaffirming the importance of co-operation and peace, but took the opportunity to remind everyone in Europe who’s the best by completely forgoing basic letter-signing decorum. Nothing says ‘We affirm that it is our shared responsibility to ensure that the unimaginable horror of these years is never repeated’ quite like scrawling your name at the top of a proclamation to show you’re actually the best.”


After almost two and a half years in office, Donald Trump has signed myriad executive orders, and you’d think that the stable genius would know that important documents are signed at the bottom.

But it’s probably not ignorance as much as narcissism that compelled the fucking moron to scrawl his signature at the top of the proclamation.

He wanted his signature to stand out, and he didn’t want the name of any of the European leaders to be in close proximity to his own. Just to me sure his signature stood out, he did a John Hancock.

I guess we can’t rule out that the buffoon thought that “D-Day” stood for “Donald Day”, and his autograph deserved a place of honor.

Dear Lord what a moron! Some patriot should tie his tiny hands so he can’t tweet or sign anything.

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It’s a Sin for White Evangelicals to Pray that God Protect Trump

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” — 1 Timothy 2:1-2

For generations Christians, including evangelicals, interpreted this admonition from the Apostle Paul as a directive to pray that their political leaders were guided by the wisdom of the Almighty. Even in authoritarian states where Christians were persecuted, they prayed that their dictators might bend to the will of God.

These prayers were uttered in the same spirit of a beauty queen contestant’s pontification on world peace during the interview segment of the beauty pageant. No one believes that a beauty queen’s soliloquy on peace will bend the moral arc of the universe toward peace and justice, and no Christian really believes that his supplications for political leaders will have an effect on their morality and adherence to Scripture.

But in the 1970’s with the rise of the Moral Majority, white evangelicals started to equate spirituality with the Republican Party, and instead of praying in a general sense for wisdom for political leaders, they prayed that the Congress and the president would uphold the family values of the GOP: anti-abortion, anti-women, and pro guns, a strong military and prayer in public schools.

Being pro-Republican is so ingrained in evangelical thinking that they now embrace a thrice married real estate huckster and serial sexual predator who became president by demonizing immigrants and palling around with white nationalists.

When white evangelicals intercede with the Almighty on behalf of Trump they don’t pray that he repent of his racism, intolerance and mean and petty ways, they pray that God would defend him from his enemies and bring his racist policies to fruition.  

And they really believe in the efficacy of their prayers, they are persuaded that God is blessing their false Messiah, and his mission to make America Great Again.

We can be faithful to Paul’s teaching to pray for those in high positions without selling our souls to an extreme political ideology. Simply put: If a president’s policies and rhetoric are antithetical to the message of love and peace of the Gospels pray for his repentance, and if he rules with compassion and understanding, pray that God continues to bless him.

But thoughts and prayers and two bucks won’t get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks, vote the short-fingered vulgarian out of office in 2020.

Racist Donald Trump Won’t Swap Harriet Tubman for Andrew Jackson on $20 Bill

The American dynasty was built by the English invaders on the slavery of Africans and the genocide of the indigenous population, and centuries later these two races still lag far behind the white ruling class.

For a short time during the Barack Obama administration we dreamed that we were living in a post-racial society, but the election of Donald Trump has crushed those fantasies and brought us back to reality.

Trump is loath to see even symbolic acts of racial progress, thus he directed his Treasury Secretary to postpone the unveiling of the Harriet Tubman $20 bill until after he leaves office.

The Tubman bill was an Obama administration initiative, and Trump is determined to undermine every initiative and law of the first African American president.

And let us not forget that Tubman would replace the notoriously racist Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill, the same bastard responsible for the Indian Removal Act:

At the beginning of the 1830s, nearly 125,000 Native Americans lived on millions of acres of land in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina and Florida–land their ancestors had occupied and cultivated for generations. By the end of the decade, very few natives remained anywhere in the southeastern United States. Working on behalf of white settlers who wanted to grow cotton on the Indians’ land, the federal government forced them to leave their homelands and walk thousands of miles to a specially designated “Indian territory” across the Mississippi River. This difficult and sometimes deadly journey is known as the Trail of Tears.

There is no way in hell that Andrew Jackson a vile racist would be replaced on the $20 bill by Harriet Tubman, a former slave, abolitionist and founder of the Underground Railroad on the watch of the blatantly racist Trump.

Anybody who still thinks Trump isn’t a racist is a liar or a fool.

It’s Only a Matter of Time Before Trump Soils Himself on Live TV

“It’s Only a Matter of Time Before Trump Shits Himself. Frankly, I’m shocked it hasn’t happened already. We have a president who regularly shows signs of mental decline: He regularly forgets people’s names and places. He makes up words. This much is clear—there will quite likely come a time when our president shits himself, probably on TV, for all to see.”

Splinter/Katherine Krueger

Trump’s mouth looks remarkably like a sphincter, and watching him speak is like watching a porn video for freaks with a sphincter fetish. Nothing but crap flows from his mouth, and whenever I hear him speak I feel like taking a shower afterwards.

But I concur with Krueger that it’s only a matter of time before the stable genius shits himself. Trump is like a ticking bomb full of crap: there will be a detonation and the shit will hit the fan. You don’t have to be a professional gambler to know that the odds are in your favor that the obese septuagenarian who eats crap every day will sooner rather than later shit himself on live TV.

The man-baby probably stains his drawers in private every day. Mike Pence doesn’t just wash his mouth after kissing his boss’s bunghole, I bet he’s tasked with washing the feces stains from the sofas and chairs in the White House.

The short-fingered vulgarian has already besmirched the presidency beyond redemption, and it won’t be much of a shock to anyone when the inevitable happens and he suffers the mother of all wet farts in public.

White evangelicals will claim that the stain in clown’s rear end is the likeness of Jesus, and Nancy Pelosi will hold her nose and insist that it’s still not time to impeach the incontinent demented moron.

In other words, it will just be another day in the Trump White House when the crazy old buffoon soils his diapers.

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Flying with Donald Trump on Air Force One is a Nightmare

“Traditionally, White House staffers cherish the opportunity to travel with the president overseas on Air Force One as a perk of their service. But traditionally, the president they are traveling with is not Donald Trump. CNN reports on the dread and horror that has overtaken the White House staff when duty calls upon them to accompany the 45th president. ‘It’s like being held captive,’ one source reports. The experience of overseas travel with Trump is almost exactly like traveling overseas with a poorly behaved toddler.”


I’ve survived a boss from hell who made my blood pressure soar when I heard his footsteps approaching my cubicle or office, and I recognized his footsteps even when he was approaching me from behind. Even the most basic interactions with him stressed me out, because he always handled them in a way that reminded me that he was the boss and I was the underling. His suffocating presence didn’t stay confined to his office, his evil vibe permeated the entire office.  We were always miserable as long as we could see him inside his office, and to add to our misery he never pulled down his shades.

I could only find relief during my lunch break, when I bypassed the company cafeteria and enjoyed my precious minutes of freedom in a restaurant, preferably one that sold alcoholic beverages.

Everybody, especially White House employees, can relate to my experiences with a boss from hell. No one enjoys working For Donald Trump: He expects undying loyalty but offers none in return, he demands that you work tirelessly to promote his inane and often contradictory policies, but will throw you under the bus once you’ve outlived your usefulness, and he will strip you of the last bit of dignity and integrity and render you unemployable.

Imagine travelling with the stable genius on Air Force One where the only escape is to force open the emergency exit and jump to sweet oblivion. It’s like a surreal vision of hell with a pilot who puts the plane on autopilot, and then goes to the cabin and entertains all the passengers by recounting the many close calls he’s had during his miraculously long career.

Click the link at the bottom of this page for a detailed account of how miserable it is to travel with Trump on Air Force One. It’s a living hell to live in a country with a racist buffoon as president, but at least we don’t have to travel in a confined place with the idiot.

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Donald Trump and His Propaganda Arm Fox News

The Fox News Network stopped using the “fair and balanced” tagline a while back, a tacit admission that as the propaganda arm of the White House it’s neither fair or balanced.

The prime time opinion hosts of the conservative network (Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham) resemble Joseph Goebbels, Adolph Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, more than they do objective analysts. Only a Trump cultist would be satisfied by the reporting and commentary offered by Fox News.

Trump enjoys a symbiotic relationship with his favorite news network. He praises his favorite Fox News personalities on Twitter, and grants interviews to Fox News on a regular basis while shunning the broadcast TV news programs and CNN and MSNBC, and it return he expects glowing coverage. To sum it up he generates ratings for Fox News and in return they treat him like the Second Coming of Ronald Reagan.

Make no mistake about it, Trump views Fox News as the media arm of his White House, and he throws a tantrum whenever the network provides air time to any of the Democratic presidential hopefuls.

The mutually beneficial relationship between Trump and Fox News has become strained after Fox hosted town hall meetings for Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar and Mayor Pete. After Sanders got the town hall treatment from Fox Trump tweeted:

“So weird to watch Crazy Bernie on @FoxNews. Not surprisingly, @BretBaier and the ‘audience’ was so smiley and nice. Very strange, and now we have @donnabrazile?”

Notice the use of the word “we”, Trump views Fox News as an integral part of his reelection campaign.

And after the Mayor Pete town hall aired on Fox News, Trump tweeted:

Hard to believe that @FoxNews is wasting airtime on Mayor Pete, as Chris Wallace likes to call him. Fox is moving more and more to the losing (wrong) side in covering the Dems. They got dumped from the Democrats boring debates, and they just want in.”

He also referred to the South Bend, Indiana, mayor again as longtime Mad Magazine mascot Alfred E. Neuman. When Trump is frustrated he reverts to using childish nicknames to refer to his political opponents.

I hope the head honchos at Fox News will have an epiphany and realize that their cozy relationship with Trump is destroying their credibility and enabling a tyrant.

Oh for the old days when Fox News could get away with semi-plausibly using the slogan “Fair and Balanced.”

White Evangelical Hypocrites Aren’t Bothered When Trump Curses

It’s not surprising that a functional illiterate like Donald Trump has a penchant for using 4-letter words, you don’t have to consult a thesaurus when the stable genius is delivering a stump speech. Any middle school student can understand his speeches and appreciates his frequent use of profane language.

By all accounts Trump curses like a sailor on crack in private, and in public he can’t help himself from uttering obscenities, but lately his use of coarse language in public has increased, especially the use of “bullshit.”

During a recent speech to the National Association of Realtors in which Trump denied being in conflict with his advisers over Iran, he accused the media of making up sources for its reporting.

“There is no source, the person doesn’t exist, the person’s not alive. It’s bullshit, OK. It’s bullshit.”

The use of the swearword wasn’t s slip of the tongue, he repeated the epithet twice for emphasis.

There hasn’t been any outrage over Trump’s predilection for cursing from Republican leaders, even from ones who make a fetish out of “family values”.

Let me call bullshit on the hypocrisy of the GOP, can you imagine the outrage if President Barack Obama has uttered just one “bullshit” during a speech? The Republicans would have been all over him like white on rice; they would have accused him of demeaning the presidency and moral depravity. There would have been racially-tinged condemnations galore. I can imagine a Republican blowhard saying that you can take the boy out of the ghetto, but you can’t take the ghetto out of the boy, even though Obama has never lived in the inner city.

I call bullshit on the evangelicals condemnations of the corruption that they say emanates from Hollywood! Until they condemn their Orange Messiah for the filth that spews from his mouth, they can shut the fuc* up.

Does Trump Use a Sophisticated Algorithm Software to Generate His Tweets?

Donald Trump’s tweets are bonkers, to use a psychological word. I can hear a chorus of “no shit” from my progressive readers.

But what if dementia or vanity aren’t responsible for Trump’s incoherent tweets? Bear with me now, what if the stable genius employs a sophisticated algorithm software to generate his tweets?

The fuc*ing moron types a message on his favorite social media platform that’s somewhat coherent and semi-logical, and then the app turns it into a typical Trumpian tweet that freezes your brain and deadens your soul.

The funky algorithm randomly capitalizes words, invents new words (covfefe), fractures the syntax and misspells words. The source code must have been written by a racist, because there’s usually at least a tinge of racism in Trump’s tweets.

You may be thinking: your wacky theory may be correct, but why would the short-fingered vulgarian use such an app?

Why you ask? Perhaps there’s method to Trump’s madness, and there is as much Machiavellian trickery as there is buffoonery at work. Trump intends to leave his critics in a perpetual state of confusion so they will be incapable of adequately countering his nefarious policies.

Congratulations Donald Trump: 10,000 Lies and Counting

The Post’s Fact Checker database has been updated with President Trump’s weekend remarks. He has surpassed 10,000 false claims during his presidency.

The Washington Post

Congrats, #DerangedDonald!! An amazing accomplishment!! No one but you could have achieved this. Not just the number. Covering all topics, never shying from even the most brazen, disprovable lies, you’ve even managed to tell multiple lies on same subject, lying even about lying!!

George Conway

White House spokesperson and liar extraordinaire Kellyanne Conway’s truth-telling husband.

I’ve written several essays about Trump’s predilection for telling lies, but I can’t allow Trump’s monumental achievement to pass without reminding everyone that this is not normal, and it’s incumbent upon us to call him out every time he lies.

Trump’s fabrications have a snowball effect, he’s personally told over 10,000 falsehoods, and his aides have told 100,000 more to spin, explain and justify his deceptions. Trump’s followers have told millions in defense of their Savior. The biggest whopper is the one they tell to themselves, namely that Trump has been anointed by God to Make America Great Again.

George Conway isn’t afraid to speak truth to power and criticize Trump for his prodigious ability to spit out lies at a rapid fire pace, even though he is married to one of the president’s most trusted aides.

There are less than a handful of Republican leaders with the courage and integrity to call out Trump on his lies, therefore it falls upon reporters, bloggers and voters to blast him every time he lies.

Memo to Mike Pence: Respect Separation Between Church and State

Vice President Mike Pence shared that he and his wife, Karen, are joining “Christians everywhere in remembering the sacrifice made for us on the Cross.”

Pence tweeted from the Book of Isaiah in the Bible, verse 53:5: “He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed.”

“. . .I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”

Thomas Jefferson

Christianity may be the predominant religion in America, but the United States is a secular democracy and elected officials should refrain from mentioning God, let alone sermonize in their public utterances.

Declaring that Jesus Christ died for our sins is not an inherently offensive message, and I rejoice when ministers proclaim the Good News to their parishioners.

But when Mike Pence preaches the Gospel in an official capacity it is patently offensive to Muslims, Jews, atheists and everyone, including Christians, who believe that there should be a wall of separation between church and state.  

It is especially jarring to hear Pence proselytize for the evangelical faith when he is the chief enabler and supporter of the most godless person to ever sit in the Oval Office.

Whenever I hear Pence act all sanctimonious I say to myself: STFU! You embrace and gaze adoringly at a man who embodies the spirt of the Antichrist.

There is a special place reserved in hell for the likes of Donald Trump and Mike Pence.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a Fat Liar

Trump’s Chief Liar

Here’s the White House press secretary in an interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday on why Donald Trump won’t be releasing his tax returns:

“This is all about political partisanship. This is a dangerous, dangerous road and frankly, Chris, I don’t think Congress, particularly not this group of congressmen and women, are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume that President Trump’s taxes will be. My guess is most of them don’t do their own taxes, and I certainly don’t trust them to look through the decades of success that the President has and determine anything.”

Sanders assertion that Trump hasn’t released his tax returns because Congress is too stupid to understand his complicated tax returns is patently ridiculous. Congress—and in particular, the House of Representatives—is invested with the “power of the purse,” the ability to tax and spend trillions in public money for the national government.”

There are more lawyers, ex-accountants and ex-law professors in Congress than you can shake a stick at, Congress is supremely qualified to examine Trump’s tax returns.

Trump isn’t worried about Congress looking through his decades of alleged success, but his decades of corruption and shady business transactions with foreign entities and local mafia crime families.

Bottom line: Trump taxes are perpetually under audit, and even if they were he could authorize the IRS to immediately release his tax returns. Trump isn’t releasing his taxes because he’s under audit or because Congress is too stupid to look through the, he’s afraid that releasing them will expose his financial corruption.

I just hope that a federal judge will force him to release his tax returns before the 2020 presidential election.

Donald Trump Spends Good Friday Tweeting about Circle Jerks

How did the evangelical hero, Donald Trump, spend Good Friday? Did he meditate on the resurrection of Jesus Christ as an inspiration for his own spiritual rebirth in the wake of the publication of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that painted a damning picture of the mendacity, corruption and pettiness that’s endemic in his administration? Obviously that’s a rhetorical question,

Trump is as introspective as a steaming hot pile of dog feces. Trump spent Good Friday indulging in his favorite hobbies, golfing and tweeting. Let’s examine Trump’s holiday tweets:

.agreed to testify, it was not necessary for me to respond to statements made in the “Report” about me, some of which are total bullshit & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad). This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened.

Leaving aside the use of an expletive at a time of the year when a Christian’s speech should be more circumspect than usual, Trump’s tweet is well, bullshit. The Mueller probe wasn’t illegally started, it wasn’t a hoax, and it wasn’t total bullshit.

This is why nobody but the @DNC circle jerk takes this seriously anymore.  That front page is a disgrace but in its disgrace, many wake up. Thank God for @realDonaldTrump for waking millions of Americans up to the truth about the @washingtonpost

This is a tweet the stable genius retweeted by some unknown Trump sycophant named Scott Atkins. I don’t have to explain to white evangelicals the meaning of a circle jerk, their church services resemble a circle jerk where everyone climaxes over the magnificence of Donald J. Trump. Although a more fitting tribute to Trump would be a golden showers orgy.

But to those who aren’t as morally corrupt as evangelicals, I may have to explain that “circle jerk” means mutual masturbation among three or more individuals.

I wish white evangelicals a blessed Happy Easter, may they attain the highest level of spirituality in their circle jerks and golden showers orgies!

Donald Trump is Like a Divorced Dad Who Lets the Kids Watch Pornhub Videos and Smoke Weed

“In an interview in London for her new memoir Becoming, former First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a stinging assessment of the state of American politics and, specifically, of President Donald Trump. Said Obama:

`We come from a broken family, we are a little unsettled. Sometimes you spend the weekend with divorced dad. That feels like fun but then you get sick. That is what America is going through. We are living with divorced dad.`”


There is more than a kernel of truth to Obama`s assessment of Trump, he`s like a divorced dad who gets the kids on weekends. He employs a laissez-faire approach to child-rearing to contrast with his ex-wife`s more authoritarian style. He`s the fun parent who lets the kids stay up past midnight, play video games instead of doing their homework and eat junk food.

The short-fingered vulagarian`s penchant for sprinkling his speeches with obscenities has given a green light to children, politicians and journalists to use four-letter words instead of socially-acceptable euphemisms.

Most Americans are disgusted with Trump`s impulsive, freewheeling personality, but his base is enthralled by his antics and shenanigans.

There is no subtly or nuance in Trump`s rhetoric, he doesn`t employ dog whistles to communicate his racism, bigotry and xenophobia. He openly and emphatically declares his hatred of Muslims, Mexican immigrants and gays and lesbians, and he has emboldened his supporters to display unfathomable acts of racism.

Trump profligately flings red meat to his follower at campaign rallies, and full of this poisonous meal they vomit their racism and hatred at minorities and immigrants.

Trump is the divorced dad from the pit of hell, but his evangelical base treats him like a Messiah. Screw Trump and his bastard children, I can`t wait until 2020 when we come to our senses, kick Trump to the curb and elect a responsible and sane president.

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April 2019 Archives Page Two:

Donald Trump Wondered Why George Washington Didn’t Name Mount Vernon After Himself

“Last April, when President Donald Trump cast his gaze around Mount Vernon during a state visit with French President Emmanuel Macron, he had one big question about the Virginia mansion of the founding father: Why didn`t George Washington name the place after himself?

“You`ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you,” Trump said, according to a story in Politico this week.


When Trump toured the Mount Vernon estate with French President Emmanuel Macron he didn`t bask in the historical significance or marvel at the architectural brilliance of the mansion. The only thing on his mind was: Why didn`t George Washington name the place after himself?

Trump may not know squat about history, architecture, and foreign and domestic policies, but he is a master at branding. Before he got into politics and he was a real estate developer the “Trump” brand had mystique and panache, and the rich and powerful paid good money to buy a condo or an apartment in Trump-branded property.

But since he has become president and he`s exposed his bigotry, racism, ignorance, vindictiveness and pettiness to the whole world, the Trump name has lost its luster, to say the least.

Washington`s legacy is secure, he may not have named Mount Vernon after himself, but there are hundreds, if not thousands, of schools, libraries, and public and government buildings named after him. When Trump leaves office, I doubt if there will be more than a handful of schools and other buildings named after him.

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Donald Trump is Suffering From Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease


When your dad develops early signs of dementia, and you notice a marked deterioration in his verbal dexterity due to cognitive decline, you gently persuade him to make an appointment with a neurologist.

If he develops full-blown symtpoms of Alzheimer`s disease, instead of denying reality you take him to the doctor to be evaluated for his cognitive health because you love and care about him.

I`m not a doctor and I don`t play one on TV, although I did play a doctor with the neighborhood girls when I was a little boy, but that`s a story for another time. But when my father`s neurological health got so bad that he was calling his local bank branch every five minutes to check on his balance, and checking the mailbox for his mail every few minutes, even after the mailman had already delivered his mail, I knew he was suffering from Alzheimer`s disease.

We all accept the inevitability that our parents will grow old and die, and that sometimes life plays a cruel trick and robs them of their mental facilities before they pass on.

But what do we do when our septuagenarian president`s cognitive deficits seem worse by the day? Memory loss is a symptom closely associated with Alzheimer`s and Trump famously called his wife Melanie and CEO Tim Cook “Tim Apple.” Trump recently said that his Bronx-born father was born in Germany, the stable genius is clearly losing his marbles.

There`s mountains of evidence that Trump is morally, intellectually and knowledge-wise unfit to be president, but now there`s also irrefutable proof that he`s mentally unfit.

Trump`s physicians declare that their morbidly obese patient who eats fasts food and never exercises is in perfect physical health, so we should take it with a grain of salt when the say that he`s in sound mental health.

The American public should demand that Trump be given a full neuropsychological evaluation by independent physicians and share the results with the world.

Forget the Mueller report, what I really want to see are results of medical tests administered by neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists.

Trump Lies Because He’s a Liar


George Conway isn`t buying former White House communications director Anthony “Scaramucci`s claim that President Donald Trump lies because he thinks it`s fun.

The conservative attorney, who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, on Friday appeared to suggest that Trump`s fondness for telling untruths is actually more deep-seated.

He used a fish-themed tweet to explain:

I don`t really agree with this. Think of fish. Fish don`t swim because they think it`s fun; they swim because they`re fish.”

Huffington Post

There`s nothing fishy about Conway`s explanation for Trump`s mountain of lies. Trump hasn`t piled up almost 10,000 lies since his inauguration because he gets a kick out of telling fibs.

Fish don`t swim for exercise or recreation, they swim because they`re fish. When you`re born with a tail and back fin, you`re going to use those appendages to swim in the water.

Trump lies because he`s a liar, a pathological liar. Naturally sometimes Trump lies because he thinks it`s fun, for example he enjoys exaggerating the size of his crowds knowing reporters will wax apoplectic.

Trump lies for myriad reasons, sometimes he lies because of his inferiority complex. He lies about his IQ to cover his ignorance and stupidity, and he brags about the size of his hands to compensate for his shortcoming.

Sometimes he`ll tell a whopper about a political opponent because he`s a mean-spirited SOB who thrives on demeaning and ridiculing his intellectual superiors.

Trump will lie for a specific reason, and he will lie for no reason, sometimes he`s aware that he`s lying, sometimes he isn`t.

If Trump`s lips are moving, chances are he`s lying. When his lips stop moving and he gives up the ghost he should be buried in his dung pile of lies.

Read More:

It’s Telling That Obama Hasn’t Defended Creepy Joe Biden

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden enjoyed a storybook friendship. In 2017 Obama tweeted: Happy Birthday to @JoeBiden my brother and the best vice president anybody could have. Obama even presented Joe with the Medal of Freedom. They were best buds, they golfed, jogged and attended basketball games together. During Obama`s tenure the most popular political meme was of Obama and Joe doing goofy things together.

The truth is that the Obama/Biden bromance was as fake as Donald Trump`s tan. Their friendship was phony from the start, Obama didn`t choose Biden as his running mate because they were simpatico, or because their policies were in alignment. As the first black presidential nominee of a major party Obama felt compelled to select a white elderly establishment vice president.

The true test of a friendship between a president and his vice president is how they relate to each other when they`re no longer in office. It`s noteworthy that Obama wants nothing to do with creepy Uncle Joe, they never socialize together and I doubt that he even returns Joe`s calls.

It`s interesting that in the 2016 presidential election, Obama didn`t publicly urge Biden to run against Hillary, and this time around not only has he failed to endorse Biden, but he`s failed to defend him from the accusations that he touches women and underage girls inappropriately.

Why is the media ignoring the fact that most of the females that Biden groped were underage girls? If it`s difficult for a grown woman to tell a powerful creep like Biden to back off when he invades her space and gropes her, it`s impossible for an innocent child to avoid an adult pervert`s unwanted hugs and kisses.

I`m not talking about alleged cases of groping, C-SPAN cameras captured dozens of real instances when Biden fondled, groped and otherwise molested young girls. But you won`t find one video or photograph of Biden groping Obama`s daughters, Obama would have beat him to a bloody pulp.

Obama is no longer pretending that Biden is just a harmless goof with a penchant for being too handsy, and neither should we. It`s incumbent on us, especially Democrats, to call out Biden for being a serial molester of innocent underage girls.

Donald Trump’s Hateful Rhetoric is Poisoning our Democracy

It`s been three years since Donald Trump descended the golden ecalator at Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for President of the United States.

This wasn`t a god descending Mount Olympus to impart his heavenly wisdom with mere mortals. Hardly. In Trump`s Presidential Announcement Speech he vilified Mexican immigrants, referring to them as rapists and criminals. In the intervening months and years his vulgar, coarse and hateful rhetoric hasn`t mellowed.

I don`t expect every president to have the eloquence of a Kennedy, the genteel charm of a Reagan, or the professorial authority of an Obama, but I do expect a president to exercise a modicum of civility.

But that ain`t how Trump rolls, he traffics in conspiracy theories, engages in racist tropes and sprinkles his speeches with obscenities.

Trump cultists excuse his buffoonery and spitefulness by saying that it`s just Trump being Trump. They counsel us to look past his shtick and consider the substance of the man. But beneath the shtick there`s no substance or gravitas. Underneath Trump`s clownish veneer beats the heart of an authoritarian who delights in demeaning and degrading everyone who doesn`t go along with his patently racist executive orders and mean-spirited tweets.

Trump`s hateful rhetoric in his speeches and tweets aren`t just a harmless quirk that we can ignore. His divisive, racist and vulgar rhetoric cheapens the office of the president of the United States, demoralizes the electorate, weakens the rule of law, and ignites racial tensions.

Woe is unto us if we excuse or normalize Trump`s noxious rhetoric, it`s incumbent upon patriots to denounce his every racist statement and every hateful tweet.

Most importantly come 2020 we must vote him out of office, and retire him to Mar-a-Lago where he can vent his nonsense and racism all he wants to without having a national platform.

Donald Trump’s Tepid Response to New Zealand Massacre Proves He’s a Racist


When tragedy strikes whether in the homeland or somewhere else in the global village, the president in his role as comforter-in-chief soothes our anxiety and fear with soothing words.

President Donald Trump has the best words, but in times of turmoil his tweets and comments always inflame rather than soothe the national psyche.

When White Nationalists, Nazis and assorted racist scum paraded their racism for all the world to see in Charlottesville, instead of uniting our country with words of condemnation for bigotry and racism, Trump made things exponentially worse with his despicable “good people on both sides” rhetoric.

In the aftermath of the horrible massacre in New Zealand when a white nationalist gunned down dozens of Muslims while they were worshipping in a mosque, Trump once again failed to call out white nationalism.

Here`s Trump`s tepid response to the abominable act of terrorism, via a tweet:

“My warmest sympathy and best wishes goes out to the people of New Zealand after the horrible massacre in the Mosques. 49 innocent people have so senselessly died, with so many more seriously injured. The U.S. stands by New Zealand for anything we can do. God bless all!”

Later in remarks in the Oval Office, he said:

“I spoke with Prime Minister Ardern of New Zealand to express the sorrow of our entire nation following the monstrous terror attacks at two mosques.”

Trump didn`t express empathy or solidarity with the Muslim community in America and around the world, and he didn`t explicitly condemn white nationalism. Granted Trump is a psychopath incapable of empathy, but he should have forced himself to fulfill his responsibility as comforter-in-chief.

Less than 24 hours after the terrorist slaughtered 49 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in New Zealand and posted a manifesto online citing the “invasion of France and the West by nonwhites” our fearless leader had this to say:

“People hate the word `invasion,` but that`s what it is. It`s an invasion of drugs, criminals, & people…in some cases, they are killers.”

Trump boldly echoed the rhetoric of white nationalists by referring to hardworking immigrants as “invaders.” Trump utterly failed to moderate his language given the rise in violence and terrorism by white racists all over the world.

You don`t need to be a member of the “Southern Poverty Law Center” to deduce that Trump is an implacable racist. By word, deed, executive action and policy Trump has proven that he is racist to the core, and it is incumbent upon all Americans who hate racism and bigotry to remove him from office by any means necessary.

Donald Trump’s Wall is a Symbol and Manifestation of Evil Incarnate

Stable Genius

Trump`s mantra and rallying cry during the 2016 presidential campaign was “I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.” It was a perfect metaphor and slogan designed to appeal to Trump`s racist white evangelical base.

Trump`s mythical wall crystalized the xenophobia, racism and bigotry of his base into a tangible and concrete object. When his supporters chant “Build the Wall” they are thinking to themselves: Deport those wetbacks! Stop spics and niggers from invading our homeland!

Trump`s base doesn`t know geopolitics from a prayer cloth, and they assumed that it would be a piece of cake for their Messiah to hoodwink the Mexican president into paying from his damn wall.

In 1626, a Dutch trader, Peter Minuit, purchased the island of Manhattan for the equivalent of $24 worth of beads and trinkets, so why couldn`t the art of the deal businessman con the ignorant Mexicans into paying for his vanity project?

It`s now become obvious to even the most deluded Trump supporters that Mexico isn`t paying for the damn wall, but such is their hatred of everyone who isn`t white that they will gladly pay for the abomination with their taxes.

Trump himself has become the manifestation of the wall, his supporters perceive him as a bulwark against godless abortionists, activist liberal judges, disease-ridden criminal immigrants, feminists and secular scientists.

To quote Martin Luther King Jr, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” The MAGA crowd is terrified of this universal march toward justice where white people will no longer be at the top of the pecking order, and they see Trump as their last Great White Hope.

Fortunately, Trump and his sycophants are fighting a losing battle against demographics, democracy, and the innate desire of people for justice and liberty.

The wall will never be built, but every day that Trump remains in power he erodes our constitutional democracy, he must be impeached and removed from power now rather than later.

HUD Administrator Lynne Patton Biggest Uncle Tom of Trump Administration

Uncle Tom

Lynne Patton, a regional administrator at the Department of Housing and Urban Development was an unknown before her appearance before the House Oversight Committee, now she is universally reviled as a useful idiot and token black friend of the racist-in-chief.

Michael Cohen, Trump`s former personal lawyer, and fixer testified before the aforementioned committee that his former boss was a racist.

Cohen`s opinion carries a lot of weight because he was a Trump insider for over a decade.

To counter that claim, Rep. Mark Meadows, the chair of the far-right Freedom Caucus, and someone who himself has been accused of being a racist, invited Patton to Capitol Hill to serve as his prop.

When Meadows mentioned her name at the hearing, Patton who was standing right behind him, stood up so everyone could see her black ass, and didn`t utter a single word. I`m sure I wasn`t the only one who was reminded of a slave at an auction block.

“She says that as a daughter of a man born in Birmingham, Ala., that there is no way that she would work for an individual who was racist,” Meadows said. “How do you reconcile the two of those?”

As if having a black acquaintance or a black employee is proof that Trump isn`t a racist. Patton should be ashamed for allowing herself to be used in such a cynical fashion, and for letting a white man speak on her behalf.

Cohen exposed the stupidity of Meadows` stunt by responding: “Ask Miss Patton how many people who are black are executives at the Trump Organization. And the answer is zero.”

Lynn Patton will go down in infamy as the biggest Uncle Tom of the Trump administration.