Mike Pence Missing From Michael Wolff’s Book

In Michael Wolff`s tell-all book on the Trump administration, all of the president`s close advisers, including his sons and daughter, are quoted ridiculing and criticizing him. Ivanka is even quoted mocking his pride and joy, his comb over from hell.

Everybody from the chief of staff to the butler calls Trump a variation of moron. Trump blew his top when it was reported a few months ago that his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him a “fucking moron,” you can imagine how he feels now that it`s been revealed that all of his aides think he`s an idiot.

In the internecine warfare that is the trademark of the Trump administration, there is only one thing that everybody agrees on: Trump is a fucking moron.

However, there is one principal figure that`s missing from the salacious gossip that permeates Wolff`s expose: Vice President Mike Pence.

Pence`s main function in Trump`s White House is to look endearingly at the president, especially when the cameras are rolling. While all of Trump`s aides were spilling their guts eviscerating their Dear Leader, Pence was staring at Trump`s portrait with awe and admiration.

When Pence does speak, nothing but obsequious praise for his boss flows from his lips. Pence may develop an ulcer from biting his tongue and keeping a low profile, but he`s just biding his time until Trump is impeached and removed from office.

We may deride Pence as a sycophantic weasel, but he may have the last smile.

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