Senile Joe Biden Should Step Aside for Gavin Newsom

According to actuarial tables, the statistical tools used by insurance companies, government agencies and corporations to predict the life expectancy of a potential employee or policy holder, Joe Biden has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, and one finger stuck up his ass, and the other one picking his nose.

But ordinary people don’t have to take into account expectancy tables or mortality tables to discern that Biden is senile old codger who will die well before he completes a second term if he’s reelected.

Donald Trump is still physically robust but he’s almost as senile as Biden. However, he has the presence of mind to realize that Biden is so physically frail and cognitively challenged that he may be forced to drop out of the race.

That’s why in an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo he eviscerated California governor Gavin Newsom who is running a shadow campaign for president. Trump blamed Newsome for almost every problem the Golden State is facing.

“His state is doing horribly. You look at the homeless problem. You look at the people that are leaving. You have companies that are leaving. They’re all leaving for other locations. I think Gavin’s easy because California is a disaster.” Finally, he said Newsome was “bullshit.”

Newsome with his relative youth and good looks is a presidential candidate straight out of central casting, and he would defeat Trump in a landslide.

Biden is a good man but it’s bullshit that he’s running for president, he needs to drop out immediately. Trump is a horrible person, and it’s bullshit that the senile sociopath is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

Gavin Newsom Compares Donald Trump to Pennywise the Clown

“President Donald Trump on Thursday night slammed California lieutenant governor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom, calling him a clown.

`Democrats want to give welfare and free health care to illegal aliens,` Trump said. `How about this clown in California who`s running for governor? He wants open borders and then he wants to give them health care, education, everything.`

Newsom fired back on Twitter by comparing Trump to Pennywise, the terrifying clown in Stephen King`s `It.`:

Interesting description coming from the guy who is literally locking up kids like Pennywise.”

Huffington Post

Donald Trump calling a politician a clown is like Mike Tyson berating a friend for giving his girlfriend a hickey.

When I see Trump with his sphincter-shaped mouth, urine-colored cotton candy hair, and his orange complexion, I think this is what a clown must look like if Satan operated a circus.

Everything about Newsom from his movie star good looks to his eloquence to his command of the issues is the antithesis of a clown, and everything about Trump from his absurd appearance to his incoherent babbling to his ignorance of foreign and domestic policy is the epitome of a clown.

Newsom is spot on in comparing Trump to Pennywise the clown, Trump locks up immigrant children in concentration camps and Pennywise locks up children in the bowels of the Earth.

Pennywise emerges from the gutter every few decades to unleash evil, but hopefully Trump`s first term will be his only opportunity to unleash chaos. I doubt our democracy can survive a second term of Trump`s buffoonery, stupidity and just plain evil.

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