White Evangelicals Don’t be Fooled by Your Religious and Political Leaders. The Bible Isn’t Against Abortion

Even though the Bible, the ultimate authority for evangelicals, is silent on the issue of abortion, 21st century white evangelicals are vehemently opposed to the procedure.

Evangelicals would have you believe that Christians have been staunchly opposed to terminating a pregnancy since New Testament times.

Nothing could be further from the truth, in the years following the landmark Roe decision, evangelicals were ambivalent about the medical practice.

Evangelicals considered it a Catholic issue, on par with their unbiblical devotion to the Virgin Mary.

Evangelicals paint the false narrative that the Religious Right was birthed in defiance to Roe v. Wade. But evangelicals of that era were more concerned with preserving the white Christian patriarchy.

Fundamentalists like Jerry Falwell seized on the abortion issue years after Roe to be used as a wedge issue to win elections.

I am not in favor of abortion; nobody is in favor of abortion. I am in favor of a woman having sovereignty over her own body, and she is the one who should make all medical decisions concerning her body, not the government.

In fact, isn’t it conservative dogma that the government should stay of the private lives of citizens?

If white evangelicals researched the Bible, they would realize that it’s silent on the issue. They would realize that they are being used as pawns by their spiritual and political leaders.

I urge evangelicals to join the majority of their fellow citizens and fight to protect a woman’s right to choose.

Mike Pence Tweets His Support for ‘Unplanned’

So good to see movie theaters across the country showing @UnplannedMovie — a deeply inspiring new pro-life film based on the best-selling book by @AbbyJohnson. More & more Americans are embracing the sanctity of life because of powerful stories like this one. #Unplanned

Mike Pence Tweet

Mike Pence film critic? I don`t think so!

I haven`t seen Unplanned, and I have no desire to watch it. But if I was considering the merits of the movie I would check the reviews at RottenTomatoes.Com by critics who judge a film based on the literary quality of the screenplay, the acting skills of the thespians, the visual talent of the cinematographer and the artistic vision of the director.

The last thing I would do is seek the advice of an anal-retentive evangelical who judges a motion picture on whether its message is Biblically-correct according to his interpretation of Scripture.

Pence is culturally out-of-step with the vast majority of Americans, while we watch Netflix and chill he watches PureFlix and prays. I`m surprised Pence didn`t warn male moviegoers not to sit next to a woman, lest the wanton woman distracts him from the godly message of the movie and leads him down the path to licentiousness.

Unplanned is evangelical agitprop, and I don`t know about you but I go to the movies as a form of escapism or to learn deeper truths about the human experience, not to be preached to by dour evangelicals.