Rep. John Lewis Declares Donald Trump Isn’t a Legitimate President

“For the first time, a leading Democrat has called into question Donald Trump`s legitimacy as president.

Rep. John Lewis, a Democratic congressman from Georgia and civil-rights icon, told NBC`s Chuck Todd in an interview for Sunday`s `Meet the Press` that he believes Russia`s alleged hacking aimed at helping Trump in the 2016 race makes Trump an illegitimate president.

Asked whether he would forge a relationship with President-elect Trump, Lewis said: It`s going to be very difficult. I don`t see this president-elect as a legitimate president.”

The Washington Post

The Democrats and Republican Never Trumpers have done everything possible to prevent Donald Trump from assuming office: Recounts fizzled, inciting an Electoral College revolt failed. Their only remaining hope is to convince Obama to declare martial law before Trump is inaugurated, but that ain`t going to happen.

Failing miserably to overturn the results of a free and fair election, they are now resigned to delegitimizing Trump.

I respect and admire Rep. John Lewis, he is a successful congressman, a civil rights hero, and a living legend, but he is tarnishing his legacy with is ridiculous assertion that Trump is an illegitimate president.

It`s impossible to prove that Russia`s alleged hacking tipped the election in favor of Trump, Hillary has only herself to blame for her humiliating defeat. The Russians didn`t coerce Hillary to set up a server in her basement, they didn`t convince her to ignore the crucial battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and they didn`t drug her to induce her to feint on her feet at the 9/11 event.

Trump is supremely unqualified to serve as commander-in-chief, but voters preferred a know-nothing blowhard over a conniving and corrupt witch. Trump is a clown, vulgarian, serial pussy grabber, egomaniac, and the LEGITIMATE President of the United States.

Lewis needs to move on, accept the legitimacy of the Trump administration and focus on turning the Democratic Party into an effective opposition.

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