Local Milk People United Against Donald Trump

“Newly published transcripts of January phone calls between President Trump and the leaders of Mexico and Australia didn`t just give people an opportunity to see how Trump discussed matters with international leaders at the time. One conversational snippet has given the internet a primo meme opportunity.

Published Thursday by the Washington Post, the transcripts showed that Trump had a combative conversation Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull about a plan to accept hundreds of refugees from offshore detention centers near to Australia.

`I guarantee you they are bad. That is why they are in prison right now. They are not going to be wonderful people who go on to work for the local milk people,` Trump said, seemingly a reference to the massive U.S. dairy industry.

Yahoo News

Holy Cow, Donald Trump is an idiot, I am going to hop on the bandwagon and milk this story for all it`s worth.

After all the free publicity that Trump has given milk, wonderful milk, I`m sure that he will be offered a job as CEO of the California Milk Advisory Board when he`s impeached and removed from office.

Who are these “milk people” that Trump referenced, common sense would lead us to conclude that he was referring to employees of the dairy industry. But who knows? In Trump`s vision of Making America Great Again, our country isn`t polluted by Muslim refugees or Mexican immigrants, there is only a homogeneous population where white milk people deliver milk (no chocolate milk) to the homes of milk-complexioned Americans.

I`m old enough to remember the days when milkmen (there were no milkwomen) delivered milk to our front doors. But those weren`t halcyon days, at least not for minorities, and I have no desire to Make America Great again in the racist image of Donald Trump and his ilk.

I love me some milk, and if I`m at a restaurant I don`t care if it`s an Hispanic, Black, or Arab waitperson who pours me my favorite beverage.

That`s enough milk-flavored news for today, if I don`t end my article even my readers who aren`t lactose intolerant are going to get sick.

Read More: https://www.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-referred-apos-local-183836051.html

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