Kanye West Felt Like Superman When He Put On a MAGA Hat But He Looked Like an Uncle Tom

“There was something about putting this hat on that made me feel like Superman.”

Kanye West

This was one of the dozen insane comments that the rapper made as part of an extended soliloquy during his infamous Oval Office meeting with Donald Trump.

I`m a Latino and if I donned a “Make America Great Again” hat I wouldn`t feel like a superhero, far from it. I would feel like a traitor to my community, considering Trump made dozens of disparaging remarks about Mexican migrants and Mexican-American citizens during his presidential campaign and during his tenure as president.

West is a traitor to his race, he might as well have put on a KKK pointed hat. Trump referred to African nations as “shithole countries,” and he has gone out of his way to mock and ridicule prominent African-Americans.

The phrase “Make America Great Again” implies that there was a time when our country was at the zenith of its greatness. I wonder does West think that glorious era was during slavery, or perhaps the Jim Crow period.

As an Hispanic I`m cognizant of the fact that my people have never enjoyed more opportunities than today, although we aren`t a perfect union and racism is still prevalent. I certainly don`t want to go back to the halcyon days for racists when people of color were treated like dogs.

Kanye, putting on the MAGA hat may have made you feel like Superman, but it made you look like an Uncle Tom house Negro.

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