1 in 3 Voters Give President Trump an ‘F’

“After more than two months in office, America`s new president, Republican Donald Trump, got a grade of F from 1 in 3 voters, according to a new McClatchy-Marist Poll.

By contrast, the same number graded predecessor Democrat Barack Obama`s performance a B as he approached his 100th day in office.”


Donald Trump is the class clown who inexplicably became the President of the United States, grading on a curve, or by any other method, I would give him a big fat “F.”

Usually a president enjoys a honeymoon period that lasts at least through his first 100 days in office. But to keep the honeymoon analogy going, if a virgin bride discovers that her husband has a micropenis, she`s going to immediately annul her marriage.

It didn`t take the electorate more than a New York Minute to realize that Trump is an ineffectual, incompetent, orange-complexioned piece of garbage.

Trump lost the popular vote by almost three million votes, he doesn`t have any political capital, he`s been a dead man walking since day one.

Only Trump diehards who voted for him in order to send a big “Fuc* You” message to the political establishment would give him a passing grade.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article141836529.html#storylink=cpy

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